Monday, June 5, 2017

(更新版) 楊月清: 2017 義大利Isodarco國際會議在台北圓滿舉行(上集)

2017 義大利Isodarco國際會議在台北圓滿舉行(上集)

(5/26 – 29 ,2017)



1-2 解決爭端尋求世界和平的義大利Isodarco國際會議連續三日在中        研院資訊所舉行!

3- Isodarco董事之一的國際法學專家謝淑媛博士專程來台主持會           議!

4- 陳建仁副總統出席Isodarco會議發言中!

5- 為副總統陳建仁的出席,而在會場兩邊站滿了國安人員,會場氣        氛頓然肅穆緊張!

6- 台灣民主基金會副執行長楊黄美幸出席Isodarco會議開幕典禮致        辭!



8- Isodarco國際研討會上來自各國的專家學者濟濟一堂!


9- 來自美國的戰略專家Jermeng蘇的精采演講, 極獲好評。


10-資深評論家林保華在Isodarco國際會議中說中國是最大的流氓               國家!



11- 林保華、楊月清夫婦歡迎專程出席Isodarco會議的兩位維吾爾民            族好友、左、英國的核災難專家安華托帝及右、德國的世維大會            副主席Umit Hamit來台

12- 由大科學家愛因斯坦60年前在義大利所成立的組織,為避免侵略             和戰爭、以謀求世界和平為宗旨而于1995年得到諾貝爾和平獎                 的Isodarco,今年在台北舉行年會,陳建仁副總統親臨主持開                 幕典禮。 來自全球各國的學者、專家以及香港代表劉慧卿、黄               台仰、世界南蒙古大會主席席海明、世界維吾爾大會

            代表Umit、與核災研究者安華托帝、和台灣邱義仁、楊黄美幸                 及主講    人之一、林保華、楊月清夫婦等一同合影留念!



13- 自由時報第一時間報導了會議情况!


14- 盛裝主持Isodarco會議惜別晚宴的國際法專家謝淑媛博士,

15- 16- Isodarco會議結束後的惜別餐會熱鬧的一角!

這場台式傳統 " 辦桌宴 " 讓海外賓客大開眼界也大飽口福!








林保華對流氓國家需要以戰止戰 )


















Bao-Hua, Paul, Lin

5-27-2017      Isodarco Meeting , Taipei, Taiwan


Time to Get Tough with the Rogue States


During his 2002 State of the Union address, the former US President George W. 


Bush named Iran, Iraq and North Korea as the rogue states. He did not include 


China because of the reality that it is too big to be referred to as such, and 


secondly China has been faking as a nice hyprocrite.


In fact, the Chinese government is the biggest supporter of the three rogue 


states in politics, the military and the economy. Chinese regime's totalertarian 


crimes against humanity, the implementation of state terrorism, the breach of 


international commitments, and militarism upsetting regional peace are proofs 


that it is an accomplice. China behaves thuggishly either to U.N. sanctions 


against these rogue states, or to act to protect their interest subversively given 


all opportunities.


The nature of such thuggish behavior is bullying hard-bullying weak. In the face 


of a strong opposition, China appears to compliant, just remains stubborn. 


Western democracies must understand such characteristics, while countering at 


its weakness.


This was the way Beijing treats the ruling of Hague International Court of 


Arbitration in July last year. China first refused to participate the court's 


investigation and mediation, later making big fuss againt the ruling, not daring 


to face up to the collective international effort for resolution, only willing to 


engage in pressing bilateral talks with small countries with economic incentives 


to create division amongst Southeast Asian countries. This is the reason why the 


ASEAN summit failed to collectively condemn China's claim in the region.


Beijing, on the one hand, pretends to support of the USagenda and 


commitment to maintaining international order and freedom of naval passage in 


the South Sea to the common good of regional economic opportunities, yet on 


the other hand, secretly building man-made islands practically off groups of 


rocks for military installations, at the same time, declares and exercises judicial 


power. After Xi Jinping came to power, the Chinese military repeatly made it 


known to its domestic audience that a war between Chinaand the United States 


is unavoidable (ref. 2013 PLA propaganda film "the Silent Jostling"); However, 


when the US warships show their presence inthe SouthSea, Beijing talks peace. 


After Trump came to power, Beijing cools off its rethoretics across all 


propaganda channels, but the expansion of military facilities never slackens. 


(figure 1)


The same is true of North Korea, as a collective group of Chinese forward 


regiments: while China long claims support fordenuclearization of the Korean 


Penins with strong word, participating in numerous six-party talks since the 


Clinton era in the 1990s, the end result is North Korea has gone from nuclear-


free to nuclear, from test firing short-range missiles to test long-range missiles. 


After the nuclear test, North Korea withdrew from the six-party talks. Beijing 


now again promotes the six-party talks to deceive, Trump administration, not to 


be fooled as the predecessors, forced Xi Jinping on Kim Jong-un instead. (figure 




The past dialogues and negotiations the United States had with deceptive China 


and North Korea ended up with dire reality all have to face today. If such 


palliative policy were to continue, a repeat of 1930s British Chamberlain 


government appeasement policy error is almot garanteed, Southeast Asia and 


East Asian countries will not only become the likes of Nazi-ravaged European 


countries, then with much domestic opposition to get intangled with impending 


World War II in the event of Pearl Harbor incident, only to pay a heavy price 


after the shooting started. Now China's population and economic strength are 


beyond those of Germany and Japan, not to mention there has been potential 


Russia's support for rogue countries.


The reason China, with North Korea, has been so daring is that they take 


advantege of the US weakness fearing the human and political costs of a war 


with sizable power. Their strategy is to deter the United States at present to gain 


time for the military capability to catch up with the United States, banking on an 


eventual win. So to ensure that regional peace and stability, decisive actions 


need to take place while there is still sizable gap between the China's military and 


the United States.  Most favorable opportunities of the past have been lost, the 


reality has been the longer the US and its allies wait, the more difficult it will get. 


In order to avoid the serious loss of war in the future, localized military actions 


at the present time, with a much smaler loss, is particularly necessary.


Localized wars to present a large-scale war in the future, is the best approach to 


resolve the challenge of the rogue states. As Niccolò Machiavellii advocates, if 


appropriately managed, a conflict is more stable than a pool of dead water, but 


also serve promote human progress beyond such obstancles. China is also apply 


the same theory to create a well-controlled conflict to expand the tyrannical 


forces in the South Sea and across the world, why shouldn't the US and its allies 




This local war may occur in the South Sea, can also occur in the Korean 


Peninsula or the East Sea and the Taiwan Strait and even other areas Chinese 


warships and military aircraft frequent. The aforementioned local war is for the 


United States to use the current air force and navy's advantages, looking for the 


opportunity to annihilate some of China or North Koreaelite military power in 


one fell swoop. Such precisely targeted military actions involves no (army's) 


boot on grounds as the past entanglement during the Vietnam War and Gulf 


wars, both led the United States into quagmires, while affording citizens of the 


rogue states to decide on their own future.


Xi Jinping, after coming to power, exercises the high-level, fierce anti-corruption 


power struggle manuver to secure his hold of the state. At least 30 top officials 


above the provincial and ministerial level, 85 deputy provincial and ministerial 


offical, and 110 or more PLA generals have been eliminated, if not prosecuted, 


leading to extreme low morale and instability. Chinawould for sure fail in the 


afforementiond local war: false nationalism crushed, fooled and suppressed 


citizens awake. Coupled with China's current economic downturn, widening the 


gap between rich and poor, increased unemployment, the reality in China will 


encourage people to cast aside this regime, allowing the communist party and 


the public to have healthier attitude towards expanded opportunities for reform.


As China's "Follows the Money" across the country, in the event of a local war, 


many local government officials will protect themselves in the name of protecting 


the local economy and order, a ploy that should be largely supported by local 


people.  It would be very difficult for the Chinese central government to launch a 


large-scale war, much like the predicament during Boxers' Rebellion (or Eight 


Nations' Invasion) in 1900: the prosperous southeast six provinces self-


protection, did not join the ignorant boxers to to the fight. The failure to repell 


Eight Nations forced the Qing Dynasty to constitutional reform, too late to 


escape the fate of an even more progressive revolution to overthrow the 


monarchy. The expansion of the empire tributary system along "One Belt, One 


Road" will likely be an insider jobs help leading in the allies, as occurred during 


Boxers'-Eight Nations conflict. (image 3)


Lenin, the mentor of the Chinese Communist Party, says that imperialism is the 


root of war. The so-called Greater China empire is a late imperialism, of an 


imperialist system without moderation via domestic democracy. It is also the 


biggest source of war. The wars among countries after World War II were mainly 


initiated or participated by authoritarian regimes, with few conflicts between 


democracies. Therefore, the local war to stop a China's future aggression, would 


support regional and even world peace.


Defeating China's local war will also stimulate China's reform, promote local 


autonomy, bring the collapse of the centralization system. As for the future 


division into a multitudes of countries, the confederation or federal, it will be up 


to the people currently under Chinese regime to decide on their own, however 


positive external influence to offer a genuine opportuniy is crucial.


The disintegration of the Chinese Empire has the potential to promote the final 


wave of democracy in the rest of the world, as the remaining dictatorship will be 


less threatening, and the half-baked, back and forward democratization in Russia 


will lose the "Chinese card", having to give democracy another try. This then is a 


legimate guarantee of an ever lasting peace.



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